Programmatic Media 101

Programmatic Media 101

Understanding Programmatic Media: How It Works and Why It Benefits Small Businesses Understanding Programmatic Media Programmatic media buying uses algorithms and automated software to purchase advertising space through real-time bidding auctions. This approach places...
Integrated Marketing In Plain English

Integrated Marketing In Plain English

Integrating Marketing includes branding, advertising, digital marketing, and design. It’s all aspects of your marketing campaign integrated together into one cohesive unit.  This strategy focuses on making your branding message consistent across all platforms. The...
Beer Ads:  A Brief History

Beer Ads: A Brief History

With St Patrick’s Day around the corner thoughts turn to what else, beer. Although fewer people have been able to grab a beer in a pub during this pandemic, the global desire for beer prevails.  And beer advertising is big business. One company who has been a mainstay...
2020: What A Year

2020: What A Year

It certainly has been an uncommon year for our business, our clients and our families.  We undoubtedly did not anticipate the often overwhelming disruption caused by the arrival of COVID-19, beginning in March of this year. Business shut-downs, healthcare concerns and...
The Paintings of Frances Roosevelt

The Paintings of Frances Roosevelt

How fortunate we are to have worked with landscape painter Frances Roosevelt, to design a website which revels her talent.  Her expressive work draws upon her roots in the Sea Islands of Charleston, SC and her home in Chester County, PA. Her landscape and abstract...